Key information about the building operation
- Energy Performance Now
- Indoor Air Quality Performance Now
- Average Energy Efficiency Indicator (EEI*) and Sustainability Indicator (SI**) for the last 14 days
*Energy Efficiency Indicator (EEI): This indicator calculates the average (Energy generated)/(Energy Demand) considering hourly energy measurements from the building. In example, EEI=1 corresponds to a energy neutral building, while EEI>1 is a building the generates more electricity than its demand.
**Sustainability Indicator (SI): This indicator calculates the average CO2 savings (according to the building exported minus imported energy and the hourly CO2 emission profile of the country) divided by the CO2 base emissions (according to the building demand energy and the hourly CO2 emission profile of the country). A building with SI=1 corresponds to a zero emission building, while for SI>1 the building has positive sustainability indicating that the CO2 savings are higher than the CO2 emitted.
Leaflet.heat example with temperature
Leaflet.heat example with PMU voltages